#simplycreate Sugar Skull Face Painting

How to Paint a Sugar Skull Face with Acrylics
Learn how to paint and draw a sugar skull face with Simply Acrylics by using this step-by-step guide created by Daler-Rowney artist Amylee Paris, and is easy for beginners to follow and explore using acrylics!
How to Paint a Sugar Skull Face with Acrylics
Learn how to paint and draw a sugar skull face with Simply Acrylics by using this step-by-step guide created by Daler-Rowney artist Amylee Paris, and is easy for beginners to follow and explore using acrylics!
The materials in your kit

Your step by step guide

Use the black marker to add other ornamental lines, dots, spirals, and flowers to adorn the face.

Use the red and pink acrylic markers to colour the first flower element: around the eyes and on the top of the skull.

Now use the blue and green acrylic markers to complete the ornaments and vary the colours.

To give more shine to the composition, you can add 2 coats of gloss or satin varnish once the paint has dried.

Your step by step guide
About the artist
The painter Amylee Paris tirelessly finds her inspiration in colour and nature. Her abstract blooms and portraits shine in several art galleries in the UK.