How to's, Tips & advice

How to #simpycreate bamboo with pastels and markers

How to draw bamboo with pastels and paint markers

Easy step by step tutorial with Simply drawing art supplies on how to draw a bamboo, presented by artist Amylee Paris.

How to draw bamboo with pastels and paint markers

Easy step by step tutorial with Simply drawing art supplies on how to draw a bamboo, presented by artist Amylee Paris.

The materials in your kit

Simply acrylic paper sheets
Simply oil pastels
Simply acrylic paint markers

Your step by step guide

Step 1
Bamboo rods

Using the oil pastel, draw a short, wide line down the middle of your sheet of paper.

Then pull and blend the colour of the oil pastel with your index finger while moving up or down in the desired direction.

Then close the segment you just made with another short stroke. I know the fingers will be a little dirty at the end of the drawing, but this tip is worth it, you will see!

By pulling the colour between each segment, it naturally fades and then creates a gradient that gives all its volume to the bamboo cane. The effect is quite awesome and very easy to reproduce. All that remains is to repeat the operation to complete the entire length of the rod and create more.

Next step
Step 2
Bamboo branches and leaves

In this demonstration, we want to create pink foliage.

Draw a thin line with a marker at the base of a node, then draw leaves tapered on either side of the branch.

Next step
Step 3
Result and inspiration

There you go, we just finished some bamboos in no time! We can have fun adding crisscrossing to the bamboo design to give a more zen spirit.

It was quick? We told you so!

Don’t forget to show us your art using #simplycreate

Next step

Your step by step guide

What you'll need

About the artist:

The painter Amylee Paris tirelessly finds her inspiration in colour and nature. Her abstract blooms and portraits shine in several art galleries in the UK.