5th March 2024
I'm No Good At Art
Child Of x Daler-Rowney
Child Of Project C.I.C delivers weekly workshops within Druglink, an alcohol and substance misuse charity.
"I have chosen lino cutting and printing as a technique for its methodic, repetitive nature and therapeutic properties. A beginner can produce impressive work, and although some might use a template, they can add their unique style in the way they carve and interpret the exercise.
As I set up my workshop and the participants begin to arrive, I often hear self-doubting remarks like, 'I'm no good at art' Or 'I used to love it, but I'm rubbish now.' But I always respond confidently, saying, 'I don't accept that; you're going to surprise yourself with how much you'll enjoy this, and you'll feel a great sense of achievement at the end.'
Each time I deliver a lino-cutting workshop, there's a certain point when the room falls silent, and an air of calm concentration takes over.
Whether it's a 90-minute session where we offer a selection of templates, encourage a simple design, or a more complicated idea aimed at the 12-week rehabilitation program, I always reassure participants that the process is not about creating a masterpiece but calming the mind, switching off, and zoning in. By immersing ourselves in the process, we aim to find that wonderful space where all our rambling thoughts dissolve away."
Sam D’Cruze - Founder of Child-of