David Bent

Born in Dover, David has travelled extensively throughout his life, spending long periods of time in many regions including Peru, Costa Rica, India, the Middle East and Nepal - always painting, sketching and collecting ephemera and images that form the foundation of much of his work. In 2002, he began to pioneer a new approach to modern aviation art and in recent years , has created a significant collection of work that combines the world of aircraft with landscapes seen by him on his travels. As an image maker he has also always been drawn to comment on the world around him, including the human condition and the big social issues of our time. David considers himself to be 'primarily a painter who believes that the skill of painting and drawing should be valued and maintained.' David also uses photography and print making within his practice. The more you view his substantial body of paintings, photographs and collages … the more intriguing they become.

All the projects, tips, inspiration and guidance you need to get started on your artistic journey!